Combination boilers, known more commonly as combi boilers, are highly efficient, ensuring heating bills are slashed by hundreds of pounds every year. What’s more, they take up little space in the home compared with the old system boilers that require water tanks in the loft or airing cupboard.

Combi boilers have become the UK’s most popular heating system and are different from other boiler types because they’re able to heat water straight from the mains without having it stored in water cylinders.

The combi aspect comes from the fact that not only will the boiler heat water, but it’ll also act as the central heating unit too.

Why choose a combi boiler?

One of the main reasons to opt for a combi boiler is the convenience. Hot water is supplied on demand, meaning you don’t have to wait around for the water tank to heat up. Combi boilers also protect you from changing water temperatures and the controls come standard fit.

Another major benefit to having a combi boiler installed is because of the space you’ll save in your home. Combi boilers can be fitted straight onto the kitchen wall or in a small cupboard. On the other hand, older heating systems need space for hot water tanks.

The deciding factor for installing a combi boiler would be because these heating systems are the most efficient types around. Condensing boilers turn more fuel into heat, helping you to see annual energy bill reductions of £300.

With a combi boiler:

  • Reduce your home’s energy bills by as much as £300 a year, helping you to escape fuel poverty and avoid the rising energy prices
  • Heat your home efficiently; ensuring every room receives the right amount of heat. When a new boiler is installed you’ll often find your pipes and radiators receive a powerflush to clear sludge and improve efficiency
  • Cut your home’s carbon footprint, which is great for the environment and will help the Government to meet tough EU carbon targets
  • Improve your home’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating, which can be crucial to selling your home as potential buyers will see how energy efficient the property is

The drawbacks of combi boilers

The only real disadvantage to combi boilers is that they require plenty of cold water to provide hot water on demand. Essentially, this means that a number of water outlets such as taps and showers can’t operate at the same time.

By having more than one outlet receiving water, the flow will be reduced. This will affect larger families in big homes, when water is needed in a number of locations at the same time.

Final thoughts on combi boilers

The advantages for combi boilers certainly outweigh the disadvantages, especially with the amount you’ll save on energy bills and space. With hot water on demand, combi boilers are certainly the answer for most homes.

The high efficiency levels mean you’ll cut bills by hundreds of pounds a year and ensure your home is heated sufficiently all year round with proper controls.

If you’re interested in a combi boiler, then why not find out how much you’ll save every year and receive up to four FREE no obligation boiler quotes from local, professional companies.

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